Researches show that road rage is reduced when you are relaxed and you are enjoying your drive. Essential oils have proven over centuries to have a positive effect on the mind and body. Therefore Shake is a must have for your CAR!
Did you know? There are 17,158,195 Cars in Australia
on average there are 1.8 cars per household!
So if you can't think of the next present for a dear one, make it interesting. buy them a SHAKE CAR AIR FRESHENER!
“Shake” comes in 19 scents among which everyone can find their favourite. It was originally made for cars (rear view mirrors) but soon found its place in ship cabins and homes. People sensitive to industrial perfumes can also enjoy it. It is highly suitable for pets in cars.
USE: Hold the bottle, inserting your fingers through the opening in the wooden container. Unscrew the upper part and remove the plastic cap. Put back the wooden lid in its place and fasten. Hang “Shake” in the location of your choice in your car. We recommend that you hang it on the rear-view mirror so that it can swing. Place it upside down for two seconds. “SHAKE” allows customized use and you can play with it according to your wishes. The position of the wooden ring on the string allows you to regulate the intensity of the scent – the lower position of the ring reduces the swinging of the bottle, decreasing the amount of evaporated perfume. The intensity of evaporation can also be regulated by tying the bottle to hang higher or lower. Also, the scent can be intensified as desired by turning the bottle upside down for a few seconds, but not more often than once a week.
WARNING: Always keep the bottle upright to prevent spillage. Make sure that the wooden cap is always tightly closed. In case of spillage, wipe the product off the surface immediately. Spillage can damage surfaces inside the car.